Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Review

1st reviewer: The world setting and the unique texts are just as expected from Mr. Goichi Suda’s works. It’s good that you can experience various genres as games within the game.
There is also a rather surprising title among them, and it’s being made so that you’ll wonder how the next story development will be like.
Other than easily enjoying co-op play, the T-shirt collaboration with indie games is also nice.
However, since there are a lot of scenes that are developed with pulling-like screens, I felt the intensity is a bit lacking which is regrettable. 8

2nd reviewer: The top-view action, which forms the basis, has a rather simple hack-and-slash style gameplay feel. But each of the world that you visit has its own various presentations and gimmicks being prepared, and even the game genre would change, which is a surprising yet good spec.
The appearances of unique bosses are still intact, so look forward to battling against them. It has an abundant humor filled with parodies, risky jokes and more from various titles, which ended up making me grinning. 8

3rd reviewer: Although the action is focused on sweeping enemies away with the Beam Katana, the genre will change to Puzzle, Adventure, Racing, and more depending on the stage, so it’ll make you get excited every time.
The action skills are also varied; it feels good to use them, and you can also have fun in thinking of combinations to prepare for boss battles.
Homages to games and movies are scattered all over the places, which ends up making me grinning. The visuals which are so senseful also made me numb. 9

4th reviewer: I unexpectedly grinned when looking at the presentations filled in all places with the various coolness of video games from the years past. The creator’s fixations are directly conveyed through things including UI design, BGMs, and more. You can enjoy each genre like Action, Puzzle, and Text Adventure; such game story development is also unique and interesting.
Although I’m a bit concerned by the play sensation which I feel like a bit too grindy, this title has a mysterious appeal that I cannot stop because I want to know the story’s continuation. 8

Total score: 33/40*

Target audience: Action game fans. People who like somewhat sharp games.

Average playtime estimate: 8~10 hours for normal clear. 16 hours if including replayability content.

* Please note: review originally appeared in the issue #1571 of Weekly Famitsu (which can be ordered here), and which was kindly translated by BlackKite. Support Kite on Patreon here. Translation © Japanese Nintendo. Please credit if posting elsewhere.